How IoT and Mobility Enhance Tradition School Bus Tracking Solutions?
Advanced School bus GPS tracking system – vehicle tracking lets you access real-time fleet information from anywhere, anytime, and resolve issues on the spot.
From the year 2003 to the year 2013, US intercity buses had 13% while school buses had 41% and transit buses had 33% of lethal accidents according to the data calculated by the Federal Motor Carrier safety Administration.
From the year 2012 to 2013, number of buses which were involved in fatal accidents got increased to 280 from 253 which is rise of 11% of accidents.
According to the National Transportation Safety Board 2011, “Buses and other commercial motor vehicles have a higher likelihood of fatal accident involvement per registered vehicle”.
According to NHTSA, around 1344 traffic accidents involved school buses between 2004 to 2013 in US with 134 average fatal accidents every year.
Around 17k children have been taken to emergency rooms every year due to school and bus related problems.
Parents in fear
These days, most of the parents stay in fear about their kids returns to home. Although, the schools are safe but the bus and daily commute from school can cause a bit of anxiety in parents’ mind. Roads are not safe for the kids and that’s why the real tracking can be the boon for parents.
In the case of accidents, most of the times, driver is responsible because it happens due to drugs influence, over speeding, overtaking and other distractions of drivers.
Among the main distractions, cell phone ranks on the top.
The worst thing is that technology has minimized most of the distractions to prevent rowdy drivers from crashing children but school authorities are still shy of taking help of these technologies to improve the condition of schools.
The most sophisticated and technologically advanced school bus fleets can also loose GPS tracking device.
People who are between the ages of 15 to 29 mostly die due to suicides and road accidents instead of diseases or any infection according to reports of WHO.
We have fought against natural enemies but one can win from the modern society evils which happen on roads regularly.
We can at least try to keep the school-going children safe from these accidents. The fleet tracking system can be a great method to start this work.
Old-School fleet tracking systems:
The traditional fleet tracking systems are in the market for a long time. These are installed in the school buses with GPS tracking system and it can provide real-time location reports to the fleet administrator.
This system isn’t very sophisticated as it can’t alert about the distracted driver.
These old tracking systems were luxury once but these are necessity in present time with better modifications like GPS tracking solution.
With the addition of IoT devices to these school buses, the children can be safe and secure while they go in their school buses. Cloud services would improve mobility solutions for the users.
Modern School bus tracking system:
This system is combined with RFID technologies, GSM and GPS. It helps in tracking students’ attendance in the bus when they pick up or drop off the kids. The driver gets an alert if the child is going to be absent through parents.
This solution helps the school bus operators to improve bus routes and they can adjust path utilization to decrease running costs. These will last with the latest rules in the school transport industry like imposing vehicle inspection.
On-road Safety:
The OBD device is attached to the dashboard of vehicle can gather the stats related to school bus about the report of live location.
This device has got important sensors that can detect drivers who are harsh or trying to overspeed the bus.
If the driver tries to get overboard and the admin thinks it can harm children, then he can be able to do immobilization of the engine and can also send a cop in that direction.
To ensure that driver stays undistracted while driving, the mobile phone of the driver is kept on locked down mode when it detects the OBD motion.
Enabling Mobility Solutions:
The school bus tracking system can be easily accessed from smartphones, desktop of any dashboard software.
The GPS Chil in OBD devices will be attached to every school bus and it would push information to the public cloud with MQTT.
The school bus real-time tracking system can be accessed from a mobile device too just the way it’s accessed from a desktop web browser or the dashboard software.
What are some modern school bus tracking system characteristics?
Our school bus tracking system is basically designed for you so that you can manage the fleet of buses without any effort and the buses can be turned into smart buses easily.
These services can facilitate administrative tasks which can go along with the safely of children.
You can stay aware of the children’s activity all the time. Parents can stay updated with the use of this service and one can use this service for the employee transpiration also. These are the main features of this application:
- Parent’s notifications: Parents can get real-time notifications when the bus will reach at their stop.
- Speeding estimate: The average speed of the bus will be shown on the application
- Real time tracking: Buses can be tracked on real-time with this application
- Geo tagging: You can get an alert when bus reaches at a particular area.
- Geo fencing: You will come to know when this bus will leave a certain area
- Route replay options: The parents can easily replay the route that is taken by the bus
- Over speeding notifications: The target speed can be set by you and then you will get SMS alerts whenever the speed is above the limit.
This is a quite simple and easy-to-use vehicle tracking system that will prove a great option for all the schools and parents also.
Let’s check out some other benefits
If you are looking forward to building an application for the school bus tracking system, then you must be known with the factor that these applications can create a huge emphasis on automation.
One can achieve this with school bus transpiration controlling services, tracking methods and optimum facilitation. These applications can be way great way to prevent human errors while driving on roads.
Their needs are perfect for every IoT development technology. How these can serve app advanced requirements of child school buses? Let’s check out here.
Simplified Management:
It is a great opportunity for the school authorities to use these applications as the software can automate most of the operations like scheduling and routing.
School authorities will just have to look if all the things are under control or not. They will need to take actions if the things go wrong.
It will save a lot of time and energy which might be necessary for re-scheduling and re-routing the school bus when things go wrong.
Saving and Efficiency Enhanced:
Scheduling and routing might create errors which can invite charges from the regulatory authorities. These inconsistencies can be reduced with RFID vehicles management system. With the use of these systems, you will be permitted to check mileage and coverage of vehicle at a particular time.
The school authorities are able to know about the school bus resources and this can prevent overtaking and over speeding of buses and everything would be under control.
Necessary logs:
The GPS school bus tracking system can log the acclivity of every school bus in a school. With the help of RFID tags, it can even track if any child disappears from the bus. This database can be used to find out the results which might lead to crash or mishap.
Attendance in School Bus:
One can’t hold attendance in school buses and that’s why hand marked attendance can create errors. The IoT application development can be a great way for the school buses to track record in an effortless manner. The attendance data would be pushed through data connection.
Reduced Number of Calls:
Parents will be able to get real time notification during the arrival and departure of their child’s school bus. They won’t even have to call school authorities for asking about timing of bus from time to time.
What to check when selecting a School Bus Tracking Provider?
No investment:
The users shouldn’t be asked for any kind of upfront investment and they should pay for the things or features which they use.
Continuous monitoring:
Notifications and real-time tracking would the two main monitoring features of these applications during transit
Efficient and comprehensive service
This should provide services which includes application, connectivity, and device’s end-to-end services.
Technology has been found a way to reduce the tension of parents and it is high time that schools start making use of it to make the parents feel safer about their children.
The technology keeps evolving and in the future years, we will lots of innovations in IoT school bus tracking systems. We can also expect that this technology intervention would calm down the parents about the security of their kids. For developing such kind of app, the best destination is to reach, an award-winning app development company in India.
The bus tracking system with IoT integration is revolutionizing how schools manage transportation, ensuring safety and efficiency. With advancements in technology, the integration of school bus monitoring has become seamless, combining GPS tracking with smart IoT solutions. This transformation is evident in school bus tracking in India, where the demand for enhanced security and real-time updates is growing. An IoT-based fleet management system for school buses allows schools to monitor routes, timings, and even student activity, making transportation smarter and safer.
By incorporating IoT in transportation, schools can move beyond traditional school bus tracking solutions and adopt modern school bus tracking systems that provide live tracking, automated alerts, and detailed analytics. Features like school bus student tracking ensure parents and schools stay informed about the student’s whereabouts, while GPS tracking solutions in school buses add an extra layer of reliability and precision. This innovative approach demonstrates how IoT and mobility will enhance school bus tracking, creating a more secure and efficient system for all stakeholders.
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